I have "Keep Batteries Charged" configured in ESS, but my system charges the batteries constantly and never goes into an "idle" mode (or perhaps pass-through mode).
I've configured a separate larger system and noticed that the batteries are charged once, then no more activity is seen on the CCGX and the VRM portal shows "idle".
What setting could I have wrong in this configuration?
Color Control GX (v2.42)
MultiPlus Compact 24/1600/40-16 (v465)
BMV-700 (v3.10)
BlueSolar Charger MPPT 75/50 (v1.47)
2x Monbat 12MVR170 AGM (closest spec https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ha7IVahv56O-qEzJJKgZfcrXlrKLLlPL/view)
2x SunLight NetForce FT 12-180 AGM
Float Voltage set at 27.24
ESS: Enabled
DVCC: Enabled