I had a scenario where the batteries told the ve.bus BMS "allow to charge:NO" because the battery temperature was below 5°C - well one battery was, see my unanswered question here: https://community.victronenergy.com/questions/34077/smartlithium-battery-temperature-sensor-believable.html
Since I never got an answer for this, I am using the BMS and the temperature of the battery as measured internally as the "source of all knowledge" to control the chargers, rather than the temperature reported by the BMV-712.
This in turn turned off the battery protect on the charger side (I have 1x BlueSolar 150/70 and 2x SmartSolar 150/35 there)
All good so far.
However, when the temperature increased, and the BMS changed to "allow to charge:YES" the Battery Protect (configured in Li-ion mode) eventually went to error E1 - short circuit.
When I measured the voltage on the charger side of the BP it was ~30V - battery side was ~26V.
I then disabled the chargers using Victron Connect, restarted the battery protect by removing and replacing the remote connection from the BMS, waited until the BP had configured, then restarted the chargers one by one.
The system came up.
Obviously I don’t want to have to do this every time the system shuts down due to low temperature.
Any help appreciated.