
Dosheimer avatar image
Dosheimer asked

Is the Blue Smart IP22 Charger compatible with the Smart Battery Sense?

I just bought a Victron Smart Battery Sense for integration into my Victron Smart network.
Currently I have some doubt if the sensor (working properly) will be considered also from my Victron Blue Smart IP22 charger?

Smart Battery SenseVE.Smart Networkip22
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1 Answer
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

@Dosheimer, sorry it took so long to get an answer for you... and sorry, furthermore, that you won't like the answer: The IP22 charger, among several others, is not and will not be compatible with the VE.Smart Networking that is necessary for it to accept data from your SBS. The IP22's CPU simply doesn't have the resources to be able to receive and interpret data and adjust its charging parameters accordingly. Adding such a functionality would require a very significant hardware revision to the entire design, which unfortunately is unlikely to happen anytime in the immediately foreseeable future.

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Related Resources

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Smart Battery Sense Product Page

Smart Battery Sense Manual

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VE.Smart Networking Manual

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