Just installed a Smart Battery Protect (220A) on my boat to protect my house batteries. The device is set to default position 6 which I believe is 11.5 Voltage shutdown.
Discovering something very strange. When I turn on my Audio Amplifier which is wired directly to the battery (not in-line with the BP) the Battery Protect turns off power for about 5 seconds then turns back on. The batteries are 8D AGM with 1700+ CCA with ample power. The amplifier and House duties will run once the 5 seconds have passed; just curious how an adjacent load is causing this to happen.
I entered a custom voltage of 8V for shutoff and the Battery Protect still shutdown the amplifier upon startup.
Any ideas what is causing this? I have another BP I planned on using for another project; swapped them out and the behavior is the same.