I'm not new to ModbusTCP, but a newbe using it with Victron. I'v got a ESS config consisting of a MultiPlus II, CCGX, EM24 and BYD B-box Pro.
I'm using Modbus out of OpenHAB installation. The purpose is to visualize some ESS data and change the charge and discharge behavior of the storage in some rare situation. I.e. I don't want to charge my electric car from my house batteries.
However, I was able to read only very few registers. The device class com.victronenergy.system seems to work corectly. I can as well access com.victronenergy.settings, but the results have no meaning and the system is not reacting on changes. I.e. I've set "ESS max discharge current" to 0 (to stop discharging) without any effects. The question is why?
What really hits me is that I get error 0x0A (GatewayPathUnavailable - no device found)) when reading com.victronenergy.vebus or com.victronenergy.battery.
What's wrong here?