I installed a 24/1600/40 Easysolar with two 220Ah Victron Gel batteries six months ago into a small residence. The unit powers lights, refrigerator, WiFi and tv. The system has functioned well until about a week ago when it started going into “alarm” mode - red led on - about 3 to 4 hours after sundown. Closely watching the battery monitor it appears that when the battery SOC is below 85% and the fridge turns on, the inrush current of the fridge is dropping the battery voltage to around 18V (the battery current as registered on the BMV700 is in the region of 50 amps during inrush) The inverter registers low DC voltage and disconnects. This “alarm” is not a problem when the solar is active - in that case the battery voltage hardly drops at all and the registered BMV current is around 30 amps. Is this normal, or is there something wrong with the batteries? I have used the default settings on the Easysolar as delivered by Victron which, looking at the settings, appear to me to be optimal for the configuration.