
rendezvous avatar image
rendezvous asked

Skyla 1+1 not charging

My Skyla 1+1 24/80 220V stopped charging. When the unit gets power it puts out 74A for a couple seconds and quits. The 24V, On, Bulk and Abs LED lights stay on but no power output. I have been in the same marina for a month now and nothing was changed. Power at the unit is 240V with 30A breaker.

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1 Answer
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @Rendezvous

did you go through the troubleshooting section of the manual?

If all is connected well and AC is present + Batteries are not disconnecting, than the unit might be defective. In that case contact your reseller.

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rendezvous avatar image rendezvous commented ·

There is power to the Skyla, the indicator lights show up as BatterySafe, so it will not charge due to the state of the batteries. I was able to charge with my alternator and once fully charged with the alternator running I was able to get the Skyla to work again.

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