
bartje avatar image
bartje asked

Can Connect to my MPPT 75/15 (Bluetooth) via ipad but not via Android or Windows?

How is it that i can connect to my MPPT 75/15 (Bluetooth) via ipad but not via Android or Windows? (all bluetooth). Is the VictronConnect app different with these 3?

MPPT Controllers
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2 Answers
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

@Bartje, BT connection isn't supported on Windows, but as long as you have the latest version of VictronConnect on your Android you should be able to connect to your MPPT through it after you enter the PIN number... Just make sure that no other devices (like your iPad) are connected to the controller at the same time.

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bartje avatar image
bartje answered ·

Found it. "Location" on mijn smartphone must be to "ON" in Settings before you start VictronConnect. I thought VictronConnect would just ask this just for this app.

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