I discovered with a great interest this new and really intersesting possibility mentioned in the v2.40 change log, opening the door to a measurement and datalogging of the really available solar energy, not only what the regulators and batteries can take.
And I directly procured the Si-RS485TC sensor through IMT gmbh for trying to install it on the field.
But I don't understand some recommendation given by IMT, who let think that a software preparation is needed (connecting to a PC with their specific Modbus configurator and a specific ICPCON I-7561 or DIGITUS DA-70157 RS485-USB conventer) for changing some Modbus parameters.
Is that really needed, before coupling their Si-RS485TC sensor with the CCGX through the Victron standard RS485-USB converter ?
With the v2.40, is their Si-RS485TC sensor not directly, plug and play recognized through the Victron RS485-USB converter ?
Any help, and especially a Victron application note should be welcome for a first use (especially for people who, so as me, are not expert in RS45 and Modbus)
Kind regards