
andrewjohnfrazier avatar image
andrewjohnfrazier asked

connecting bmv-700 to multigrid inverter

Hi, The internal battery monitor within the multigrid reads incorrectly due to external solar controller's , (non Victron) so as I understand can not be configured with ESS. I am using aBMV700 battery monitor to keep an eye on battery SOC but I was hopping I could connect this direct to the multi grid with out having to use a GS system. Is this possible? I understand I can connect the BMV relay to trigger the VS with adding an assistant.

Any advise much appreciated.

BMV Battery Monitor
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

To send the BMVs SOC to the Multi you will need a GX device.

But yes, you can connect the BMV relay to an AUX input of the Multi and use a assistiant to trigger the VS or do what ever you want.

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jwfrary avatar image
jwfrary answered ·

Best with a GX device, a Venus GX isn’t too expensive and will give you great added value to your system.

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