
gregcox avatar image
gregcox asked

I have a victron 100/20 MPPT Controller connected to a 300w solar pane on the roof of my van I would like to connect a redarc 150 solar blanket via and anderson plug to the MPPT when parked in the shade . Is it possible and what would I have to do

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

It would not be good to have both the solar panel and the blanket connected to the charge controller at the same time.
a) They are different specifications.
b) One is in the shade and one is in the sun.

The ultimate would be to use a second, smaller charge controller for the blanket.
It'd be cheaper to have a change over switch to switch between the panel on the van and the blanket. Make sure that the switch is DC rated over the maximum Voltage of the highest Voltage panel, most likely your 300W one.

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