Good day,
Generally I am Off-the-Grid with 2 windmills 700W, 3 Windmills 2000W and 1860Wp Solarpannles connected to a SmartSolar MPPT 150/70 VE.Can.
My 4 Battery sets (each 24V 735Ah based on 12 SOPzS cells) have each a BMV702.
With 3 other BMV702 I controll 3 Power outputs seperately.
However, I have also a Benzin Generator with 230V/2000W which I use occationally to charge my Bosch Professional PowerTools, since the manufacturer has stoped, selling 12/24V Car/Truck chargers, which is VERY SAD.
However, currently the Windmills deliver approximately 25-35kWh per day which is more then expcted and I hate it, if I have to run my Generator to charge my PowerTools.
So, I decided to buy a (of course) Victron
Multiplus Inverter 24/2000/50-30
Multiplus Inverter 24/3000/70-16
However, I do not know exactly how the Generator and the Inverter play together so my questions are:
1) Am I right, that if the Generator is running, the Output take ALWAYS the Power from the Generator?
2) If I have a load on AC out, is it right, that the Multiplus always optimise the Power it draw from the Generator? I mean, maximum power for highes efficiency of the Generator and if I have an AC load of 1kW, use all unused power from AC in 2000W to charge the batteries with 1000W?
3) Is it correct, if I have a 24/2000, that I can have a load on AC out of approximately 4kW, if the Generator is running (missing power is then coming from the Inverter) or is there a limit on AC out and I have to go with the 24/3000?
Thanks in advance