
mikedefieslife avatar image
mikedefieslife asked

Change minimum MPPT PV input voltage

As I understand it Victron MPPT controllers need the input voltage to be 5v above the battery voltage before they will begin to function.

On the surface it seems logical, until you find modern panels that are actually low voltage high current, and you want to wire them in parallel to prevent shading issues.

The panels I have are bifacial and have a Vca (V)15,33 front / or 14,88 on the rear and an Icc of 9,19 front, and 8,92 rear. Obviously these panels are perfectly capable of charging a 12v nominal battery, but seemingly not with a Victron controller.

Is there anyway in software to change this minimum voltage? It would be a nice addition to the "Expert mode" features if it's not already hidden somewhere.

MPPT Controllers
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5 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

I would say this 5V limit is hardware not software so you can't change it.

Update - @Johannes Boonstra (Victron Energy Staff) from Victron has made a short video that explains this in further detail - Q&A: Why does the Victron Energy MPPT starts 5Vdc above the battery voltage?

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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi Mike.

You could try using a PWM controller (any brand, but Victron have them too). Even then, those panels have unusually low V specs, and may not give full satisfaction anyway.

This 'limitation' of Victron mppt's is by design, and I consider a feature rather than a fault. I used another brand mppt for some years, and at every sunrise would make numerous (quite noisy) attempts to establish itself. Annoying, and I'm glad it's gone.

Depends on how many panels you have, but also consider there is a limit applicable to Isc, which adds when paralleled, but not when seriesed. Victron state that limit, but others may not. If a failure within occured, may mean the difference between a benign failure or burning your setup down.

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samuel-vollmeier avatar image
samuel-vollmeier answered ·


I've just watched the video. One thing i don't understand. This 5V+, is meant the Voc, so the opencircuit-voltage? My panel has 130W, 22,3Voc, 17,8Vmp. Is this possible or not?

Thank you very much for a short answer.

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Justin Cook avatar image Justin Cook ♦♦ commented ·

@Samuel Vollmeier, technically once the panel is connected to the controller, it is no longer open circuit... and voltage output of the panel depends on the sun, of course.

Short answer: Possible? Yes. Likely? It depends.

You will be best advised to connect two of those panels in series to ensure that you are vbatt +5 anytime before noon.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

I found that shading was marginally better with my panels connected in series. Your milage may vary but try it both ways. Series connection certainly avoids the minimum startup voltage in most cases.

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romanzhukov avatar image
romanzhukov answered ·

I think that this feature of Victron Smart Solar controller is the terrible and idiotic in terms of modern batteries. Today I get the new solar pannels with 7 volts and 7 Amperes and cann't use due to the Victron limit of Vbat+5v. I am a professional engineer and I don't understand why didn't your engineers put the booster to the charge bat sheme to make it possbile to use the high ampere panels. These ones we made in USA and have 17% of effectivenes. So I think that it is time to make the smart solar controller ourself and stop to buy the Victron Power.

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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·
As a professional engineer l would expect you to understand Ohms Law.
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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

Are there any MPPT charge controllers available from other brands that can boost up a low panel voltage?

I didn't find any. They all need a PV voltage that is higher than the battery voltage.

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