I have a Multiplus 2000 12V that has been working fine for a few months since I installed it, but today while charging our batteries at 70 A for a few hours it suddenly shut off. After maybe 20 seconds it turned back on. And it kept doing it. This is the first time I can recall that we have charged for an extended period from the generator. Earlier in the year solar was enough to maintain our batteries.
I checked the Venus but it showed no errors. When I checked the inverter itself, it was hot to touch, but the fan was not running. After leaving the compartment open to the outside 40 F air for a while, the inverter was only warm to touch and was working fine again.
Am I correct in assuming this was a temperature problem? If so, why did the temperature alarm never go off? Shouldn't the fan be running when the inverter is hot to the touch? Is the fan easily replaceable without pulling the inverter?