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jcgalvezv asked

SmartSolar MPPT 100/20 - How I fixed lower voltage than configured and no load output disconnect

I was having a couple of problems with my SmartSolar MPPT 100/20 not charging to the configured voltages (14.4V absorption and 13.6V float). It was charging to ~14.27 V for absorption and ~13.29 V for float. Additionally, my user 1 load output disconnect configured limits were not working. Basically voltage went down as low as 12.2 V for more than 10 minutes or more without disconnecting, even when configured to disconnect at 12.5 V.

What I did was I connected a micro controller (ESP8266) to VE.Direct port and sent battery voltage and temperature to registers 0x2002 and 0x2003 respectively using HEX Protocol constantly. Voltage measured with an INA219 board and temperature measured with DS18B20 digital thermometer. Now everything works perfectly. Absorption goes to 14.4 V and float keeps at 13.6 V. Load output disconnects two minutes after voltage goes bellow 12.5 volts and reconnects after voltage keeping above 13.3 volts for at least 2 minutes, which are my configured parameters for load output (off < 12.5V; on > 13.3V).

I guess using Victron Smart Battery Sense will make it work fine too, but, since I don't have one, I cannot test. I did it with a micro controller because, initially, I wanted to be able to send Hex Commands to SmartSolar MPPT 100/20 remotely from my computer. Now I can read all information from the 100/20 and send it to my Node-red and send wirelessly Hex protocol commands to change whatever I need.

MPPT SmartSolar
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