
edstobi avatar image
edstobi asked

MaxChargeCurrent with node red


I can set the MaxChargeCurrent via the cerbo.

In mqqt I can see the value under


Now I am looking how I can set the value down with node red to protect the generator from overload when the batteries are charged and a large consumer starts.

Can someone tell me which node I can use to control this, with the ESS Charge Mode, for example, I can choose between 9 - ‘Keep batteries charged’ mode is enabled or 10 - Optimised mode w/o BatteryLife: self consumption, SoC at or above minimum SoC, but that's not enough yet i nead them max A for charging

I trei node custom control MultiPlus II (276) /DC0/0/MaxcahrgCurrent but it is not the same like the value in the Cerbo


Node-REDsystem status on cerbo gx
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2 Answers
edstobi avatar image
edstobi answered ·

UI treid the node custom control MultiplusII (276) /DC/0/MayChargCuttent
but it is not the value lik in the cerbo

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

@EDSTOBI please repost this on the new modifications forum, as we can't move it.

Details pinned in the top announcement on the old modifications section. Thanks.

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