In a little sailing boat I'm thinking to switch from SLA service batteries 330Ah (n. 3 x 110Ah) to LifePo4 batteries.
Assume that 330 Ah was the correct services sizing, I have n. 3 question :
1) was my Atlas Combi 12/1500 (50 Ah nominal charge) able to charge the LifePo4 or I must change something in it (the charge curve) ?
2) what was the right LifePo4 size to remain a little bigger (more confortable) ?
3) the engine alternator was sized to 60Ah because I don't want to overcharge my SLA batteries (more time was more endurance ...). With LifePo4 that accept bigger charge, need I to change alternator with an High Output Alternator (perhaps 120 Ah) ?
Thanks to all,