
jof062 avatar image
jof062 asked

75/15 Yellow Flashing

New 75/15 (non bluetooth) connected with no jumper to a AGM 120amp battery without a load or panel connected and i get a consistent fast flashing yellow led??? DOA?

Tried reset battery disconnect and googled the hell out of it with no joy.

Cheers Geoff

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2 Answers
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

@JOF062, without PV connected the device will not be charging, obviously, so I wouldn't jump to any conclusions about whether it's DOA or not before you complete your installation. Under normal operation, a fast flashing yellow LED indicates bulk charging.

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jof062 avatar image
jof062 answered ·

Ok seems to charging fine but the Yellow LED continues to always flash with only the battery connected even when fully charged. Will make JST-PH 2.0 lead to usb lead so i can see whats happening in the back ground on a pc.

Thanks for the reply,

Cheers Geoff

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