
denzel avatar image
denzel asked

Remote Console Readings

Good Day,

Can someone explain the readings below :

Grid 232W

AC Loads 0W

Critical Loads 2827W

System on Bulk

If the im only using 232W from the Grid (assuming ) whats powering the Critical loads?


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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

What components do you have? I would say there is some kind of wiring or configuration problem.

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denzel avatar image denzel commented ·

Hi M.Lange,

I have a Victron Multiplus , MPPT.Venus GX and 2 Batteries in Series.

I have the Grid feed into AC IN 1

I have the Output from AC OUT 1

I have the batteries wired to the MPPT and then to the Multiplus charge terminals.


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denzel avatar image denzel denzel commented ·

I also have a grid meter

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