Is it possible to suppress alarm/warnings for VE.Can products the same way there is for VE.Bus products?
On my VE-Bus MultiplusII device, there is an "Alarm status", and a "Alarm Setup" submenu. In the "Alarm Setup" submenu, it's possible to select "Disabled", "Alarm only", and "Alarms & warnings".
For my VE.Can Battery, there is only a "Alarms" submenu, similar to the "Alarm Status" on VE-Bus.
Is it possible to get a "Alarms Setup" submenu for VE-Can as well, to select witch alarms/warnings that is to be ignored? (Presumably these submenus is VE-Can/Bus related, and not product related? If they are product related, the request would be to get a "Alarm Setup" option for battery's as well.)
(Currently, I'm getting a "Warning Cell Imbalance", with an exclamation mark, that needs to be acknowledged, during (normal) cell balancing. It would be nice to be able to ignore/suppress that.)