As for some reason the bug report system on Github is not functioning for me at this moment I'm posting the 'issue' filed here, perhaps the issue I have is recognized by someone since it seems like a very basic thing that I likely missed somewhere in setting up the system.
In short; in the Dashboard the minimum power flowing into the AC side loads is never below 0. This seems to have the effect that the DESS system is never taking the AC side production into account and dumps all energy produced there to the grid. AT the same time all energy generated by the solar connected to the DC side is routed to the battery.
This happens every day, but I'm now posting a bug so you can look at really any date.. The issue is the following: there is ample solar power, the viltron charger connected to the battery buis charges as expected (prices at lowest, battery SOC low) but the energy from the AC side solar is completely dumped into the net. This happens every day. If I look at the schematic overview menu, I see that the system is not able to calculate that the AC side is generating power. In my opinion, it should be able to figure out that energy cannot occur out of thin air. To be more precise: I have 5 kW going into the grid, I have ~0 kW going into the viltron ESS from AC and I have ~700 W going to the critical loads. This does not add up. The issue is that the system limits the numerical value of the AC side loads to 0, it apparently does not allow this number to go negative. This then leads to erroneous predictions and calculated values. As a consequence, in DESS mode the energy is not used.