Hi Victron,
I just want to make sure I'm understanding this correct. I have a Multiplus 2 which appears to be the unit without the temperature sensor inputs. For temperature sensing to be incorporated with the Multiplus 2 you would require the VE.BUS smart dongle. I also have a Venus GX device with additional temperature probes.
On the VE.BUS smart dongle manual however it states the following:
"In systems with a GX device, and another source of temperature and voltage data (eg from a CANbus battery), the CCGX data will override temperature and voltage information from the dongle."
Based on the above explanation it seems that the dongle is not required anymore if you want temperature compensation to happen as the Venus GX uses its temperature probe values? Previous older posts it states that the dongle is needed.
Could some light be shed on this please so that I can make the correct decisions?