Hello, Rather than having to take the front cover off, disconnect the CCGX ethernet cable, and plug in the MK3 to make configuration changes, I'm wondering if just plugging the MK3 ethernet into the second port (the port to the right of where the CCGX ehternet cable is plugged into the Multi), while the CCGX is connected, and just permanently mounting the MK3 on the firewall next to the Multi. Or does the CCGX have to be unmplugged when making changes with the MK3 and VEconfigure? This would eliminate having to remove the front cover each and every time I use the MK3 and VEconfigure to make parameter changes. I should mention that the CCGX has a fused connection that could be easily removed to turn off the CCGX while making changes with the MK3 and VEconfigure.