
Willem avatar image
Willem asked

Is it possible to view data from victron smartbattery in VRM

My two Victron smart-batteries are visible using local bleutooth, but invisiable using VRM- portal. Have I done something wrong?

I am using VE.busBSMv2 and CerboGX, all latest updates.

vrm bug
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2 Answers
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

No, you can not get the battery information on to the Cerbo. Newer versions are just starting to appear with this feature, look for Victron Lithium Smart NG.

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Galin Radoslavov avatar image
Galin Radoslavov answered ·

I have the same 12/330 - not at this moment. I am very very surprised why Victron sell these models without Cerbo communications.

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