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acdcelectrical asked

Easysolar 12/1600 In alarm after connection new BMS


I am after some help if possible.

I have a small setup in a van conversion, consisting of the following:

1x Victron Orion smart 12v/12v 30A non isolated for the van alternator to charge the leisure battery

1x victron easysolar 12v 1600 with smart MPPT 100/50 with 3x victron 175w mono panels connected - each of them on its own string

1x victron BMV-712 smart

I have just added a Victron lithium 12v 330ah battery and V2 BMS, but when i connect the BMS to the easysolar RJ45 socket (there are 2 but I have tried both) the easysolar just goes into alarm and will not charge the battery. Even on hookup.

Can you tell me why this might be or how to troubleshoot this please?

I haven’t got a MK3 USB interface and I am hoping I do not need one as when I purchased then items I wasn’t made aware I would need one for any setting up etc… as I am now in a situation where I have altered all the wiring to facilitate the new battery etc.. and I have nothing operating.

Thanks in advance!


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