
charlienott17 avatar image
charlienott17 asked

VRM Display Issues

The system is working well. The problem is just the readout on the VRM display.

  • ESS single-phase setup with AC-coupled solar array – 3300 kW.
  • ET112 measuring solar energy. Essential loads are not used. Feed-in excess solar charger power. Optimized (without BatteryLife).
  • PV Inverter reading is correct.
  • Battery reading is correct.
  • Nothing is being fed to the grid but it is showing -1563W?
  • AC Loads is showing 0.0W but my actual background usage is about 600W.

I believe that the AC Load should be showing about 600W and the Grid should be showing between -50W and +50W whilst the battery is charging.


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6 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Expand the view to show details. Or vetter yet use the remote console to make sure the reading is more local not a lag/vrm update problem.

There are technically no AC loads (on the inverter) if the PV inverter is supplying the power.

What is the system (under system set) up using to measure the grid?

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charlienott17 avatar image
charlienott17 answered ·

Hi. Thanks for your reply. I have checked using remote console locally vs VRM and there is virtually no lag.

So when there is no load on the inverter then it shows zero. I get that. How can I see what load is there on the whole system? e.g. PV inverter less battery charging?

I do not have any other meters to measure the grid other than within the Multiplus II itself.

I still do not understand why 'Grid' is showing 'PV Inverter' less the losses.

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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·


If Remote Console is showing the same sort of figures as VRM Dashboard, then it's probably not VRM but something local. Might be your setup or even firmware..

You could try enabling 'Has DC System' as a trial. This should quantify the discrepancy by difference and display it in a 'DC Power' tile. Might help you track it down.

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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

are your AC loads on AC in or on AC out side of the multiplus?

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charlienott17 avatar image
charlienott17 answered ·


I tried turning on 'Has DC system'. It displays the DC Power box which is floating +/- 50W. So not telling me anything.

Is there an explanation anywhere (not the Victron Manual) that explains the meaning of the derivation of display outputs?

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jetlag avatar image
jetlag answered ·

If you say sou have no essential loads, then you can deactivate this in the system setup.

This AC Loads, that are displayed on the right side of the Multiplus2 is the AC_Out1, but you said you don't use this.

The PV inverter is connected where? I assume it is also connected to the AC_In, so you have to configure this accordingly in the system setup.

But the biggest problem is, that you don't have no Grid meter at all. You need something like a EM24 or an other 3-phase grid meter, that can sum up all incomming and outgoing energy. Only with this the ESS system can calculate what to to do.

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