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bmpham asked

Multiplus 3000 won’t restart after lost of shore power and battery drain


I a Promaster with 2 house batteries (200Ah) and normally kept charge with 120v shore power via setup using a Multiplus12/300/120 with smart shunt and Cerbo GX for monitoring.

I noticed yesterday that the shore power cables lights were out indicating I had lost power (bad cables) at some point. Smart shunt indicated battery voltage at 5.7v with everything off except for the smart shunt.

When I reconnected shore power, nothing comes on and battery does not see incoming DC voltage.

Is there a procedure/routine for restarting the Multiplus when the battery is drained to low voltage like that? I estimate the battery must have been slow draining for about a week or so to get this low.


battery system voltagerestart
2 |3000

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