
tr-ek avatar image
tr-ek asked

Grid feed in does not work any more

I am running a ESS since 2 years and it worked perfectly.

Now I realized, that the system does not feed in any more as before.

"Grid setpoint" has been set to "0" from beginning

"Grid feed in" has been set to "DC-coupled PV - feed in excess" from beginning

Using these settings, the ESS covered the AC consumption and loaded the battery. If the battery has been full, it feeded in.

Now there is no feed in any more after the battery is full.

If I change the grid setpoint to e.g. "-500", 500W is feeding in. But from battery as well if it gets dark.

My ESS system:

- EM24

- 1 Multiplus 48/3000/35-32

- 3 Pylontech US3000C

- MPPT 200/100

- Cerbo

- 4,8kWp

I updated all components to the latest firmware and restarted the whole system.

Thanks for help!

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tr-ek avatar image tr-ek commented ·

It gets even stranger. It seems to work sometimes and sometimes not. I cannot see a pattern for this. Yesterday the grid feed in worked. Today it's not working. The sun is shining. Battery is full.


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13 Answers
dognose avatar image
dognose answered ·

Did you maybe enable Dynamic ESS and ticked the checkbox that you are not allowed to feed in?

If the mppt is throttled, the system actively tries to avoid feed in, that should usually only happen due to a setting.

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tr-ek avatar image
tr-ek answered ·

Dynamic ESS is switched off:


My ESS configuration:




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tr-ek avatar image
tr-ek answered ·

I still have the problen described. Today I reset the cerbo to factory defaults and reconfigured everything.

Anyone out there having an idea?

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daza avatar image
daza answered ·

@tr-ek try changing to without battery life

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tr-ek avatar image
tr-ek answered ·

I changed the ESS for "Optimized without battery life" and waited the sun loading the batteries with more then 2000W. After loading is completed, there is no change. System is lowering the PV output and feed in is about nothing.

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daza avatar image
daza answered ·

@tr-ek what grid meter are you using? What other stuff is the battery doing as its set to do all loads have you got loads on AC in? try changing the multi to critical load only and change meter from external to internal/charger. Disconnect the USB,VE or Jack for the meter

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tr-ek avatar image
tr-ek answered ·


Grid meter is a EM24/USB. AC1 intup is set as "Grid". Please see attached overview of the installation.

- I changed the system to "critical loads", disconneted the EM24 and changed the meter to internal/charger. Please see the attached file

- Still "feed in" is close to zero. Please see attached file




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daza avatar image
daza answered ·

@tr-ek thats correct your solar is only producing 78w your house load is 100 and your battery is giving 10w, need a better example as it won’t send to the grid especially if the grid set point is 0

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tr-ek avatar image
tr-ek answered ·

Hi! The MPPT is throttled by the system to get the grid to "0" instead of feeding in. Of course it goes around the "0", Sometimes to a few "-", sometimes to a few "+".

First screen: In the morning the battery is charged, 2318 W from PV


Afternoon: Battery is full. MPPT is throttled down to the loads instead of feeding in.


In this picture you can see the PV and the loads are parallel after the battery has been charged around 11am.


Now grid setpoint is set to "-1000". PV is immedietally producing more power.


Grid setpoint back to "0":


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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

What are your dvcc settings?

I would encourage you to move this topic to the new forum. This one will not be operating for much longer.

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daza avatar image
daza answered ·

@tr-ek as @nickdb mentioned move it over to there and we will talk but before i forget how many energy meters have you got? Its one Multi on a three phase with it monitoring all the phase not sure if that's going to do you any favours as it can only change one phase, as it looks like just a single unit. Respond on the new site

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tr-ek avatar image
tr-ek answered ·

I would be happy to move this post to the new forum. But can't find a feature for this.

I am using a single meter monitoring all 3 phases. This worked fine for the last 2 years.

@nickdb: My DVCC settings:



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tr-ek avatar image
tr-ek answered ·

I copied the topic to the new forum. It continues here:

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