
priezti avatar image
priezti asked

BMV-712 shunt negative wiring

Good day.

I may have gone slightly mad or been misinformed but I'm looking for some clarity to save my sanity:

Using a BMV-712 and shunt, I know that the only thing connected to the battery negative must be the shunt, and any output and loads must be connected to the other side. When a DCDC/Split charge is fitted along with an inverter etc, the negative from the chassis and auxiliary are invariably linked.

Is there any reason that the equipment can't be grounded to the vehicle chassis rather than run all negatives back to the shunt, as it's still monitoring what is passing from the auxiliary negative by the shunt.


BMV Battery MonitorGrounding
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1 Answer
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

As long as the shunt is wired correctly with the chassis ground to the load/system side of the shunt then from the viewpoint of the shunt -ve returns can go back through the chassis. However, DC to DC chargers and inverters often run at higher current for prolonged periods and minimising voltage drop is important for these devices, hence it is best practice to wire these directly to a busbar then to the shunt.


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Related Resources

Victron BMV battery monitors product page

Ground, earth and electrical safety

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