
jirko99 avatar image
jirko99 asked

Shunt settings?, 12V in series(24V)


I will have 2 litime batteries 12V 200Ah in series?

What settings shall I have for the smartshunt? I can not find this info in the manual.

Battery capacity? Shall I enter 400Ah or 200Ah now since it is 24V?

Charged voltage? Anyone know for Litime in series?


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2 Answers
jetlag avatar image
jetlag answered ·

If you set up the batteries in series, the capacity will remain the same, but the voltage will double up.

So 200Ah is correnct. The load parameters for one battery should be given in the battery's manual, then just double this and you have it. But first check if this battery allows to be connected in series at all !!

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pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

Set the charged voltage in the shunt to 0.3V below absorption, so if Litime state 14.4V absorption for one battery, then absorption is 28.8V so shunt charged voltage is set to 28.5V.

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