
cletusj71 avatar image
cletusj71 asked

Low Battery LED, Phoenix 48V / 5000VA

I Got a new LIFEPO4 to replace old Rolls FLA's. Initially inverter LEDs flash and go off. I allowed the battery to charge and now it is at 54V. However, inverter does not come on after LEDs flash, and low battery LED remains on. This inverter does not accept AC so I can't connect MK3. There is no load on this Inverter. The fuse is good with continuity, but I also bypassed it to ensure, and same issue. I also tried the inverter on another LIFEPO4 battery but same issue. This battery is 49.1V, 49% SOC

Phoenix Inverter
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3 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Check. There should be a VE.Direct port on the base of the unit. You need a VE.Direct to usb interface cable. And VE.Config software (free download).

Charge the battery properly. Install the software on your phone. Connect phone to Phoenix using the cable. Configured using the software.

Firstly set for lithium battery. Then tune the settings to match the battery maker's values.

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cletusj71 avatar image cletusj71 commented ·

@kevgermany i believe that the unit must be on to access using the VE.Direct port, or am I wrong? the first battery used was fully charged. I will keep trying and i suppose leave it connected to see it it will start up.

Thanks, will update on progress

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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·


This might be a capacitor precharge issue, the battery BMS objecting to the instantaneous high current . Some BMS's have a precharge circuit, but many do not.

A quick search here gave me this..

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cletusj71 avatar image cletusj71 commented ·

@JohnC , I followed the link. i thought that it was a capacitor issue, but thought that it would come on after a bit. I will try the various options and post the results.


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cletusj71 avatar image
cletusj71 answered ·

Hi Everyone, I am beginning to think that there may be something wrong with this inverter. I have taken it off site, placed it on another LIFEPO4 battery (48V/100A). The SOC moved from 49.6% to 86% currently, at 50.5V. Still on the solar charger. Reading on the battery is at 49.7V, still not giving 50V. I am observing, to see if the battery voltage moves to 51.2 V or the reading on the inverter moves to 50V if the low battery LED will go off.

Any ideas anyone? do you think that the inverter may have an internal issue?

Thanks for your assistance and insights.

P/S the inverter S/N is HQ1742YWSYQ

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