
Stephan Taubert avatar image
Stephan Taubert asked

EV charging station status "low battery" / Modbus issue


I tried to startup my charging station (V1.24) and have it talking to my Cerbo GX (V 3.30).

Everything is fine... shows up in Remote Console, shows up in VRM protal :-)

But in the charging station webinterface there ist always Battery SOC = 0%
Probably data from Cerbo GX to charging station is missing.

Both devices are in the same WiFi network, Modbus TCP is enabled in Cerbo and whitelisted in the charging station. Cerbo GX finds the carging station when scanning Modbus. Even "discover GX" in the charging station is successful and finds my GX device.

And still there is no data transfer (e.g. SOC %) from GX to the wallbox.

I reseted the charging station to factory settings and did the startup twice. Still same issue.

Any idea what I could do to get the data to the wallbox?

Thank you,

cerbo gxev charging station
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Hi, update it! It is 5 versions behind

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Stephan Taubert avatar image Stephan Taubert Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

Thanks for this hint :-)

I updated all devices, but still same issue.
Now I have in the charging station webinterface error code W-104: GX communication warning.

Do you have any further ideas?

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Stephan Taubert avatar image Stephan Taubert Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

Finally found the issue.

Remote Console -> Settings -> Services -> Modbus TCP ... was disabled :-(

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1 Answer
Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

So all god, now, yes?
it is described in the manual :)

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