
radiosah avatar image
radiosah asked

Basic Automated Control of Multiple SmartSolar Charge Controllers

I tried reaching out directly to Victron but if there are company representatives less helpful than the one I corresponded with, then I may have made a serious miscalculation by investing in their products.

Like others here, all I want is a simple solution for alternating between two battery banks so that while one charges and then rests, the other discharges to load. There is no single product capable of accomplishing this so I've resigned myself to the idea of purchasing a charge controller for each battery/ bank.

My question is; will the CerboGX give me this functionality; automated control of multiple SmartSolar 75/15s? Would that be accomplished through the Node-RED software?

cerbo gx
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2 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

A couple of comments here.

Users, installers etc work through appointed local distributors who are responsible for support and assisting you, trying to engage directly with the manufacturer isn't going to get the answers you are looking for.

No one caters for your use case, it is a niche, custom requirement.

The cerbo supports many devices connected to it, but it is for managing one system as a whole, it won't help you control one set of chargers on one battery and another set on another battery, that would need two GX's.

What you are trying to do, automated, is not simple.

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radiosah avatar image
radiosah answered ·

I don't see why asking the manufacturer which product will accomplish what I want is so ridiculous. If this were solely about service of an already purchased item, then I would of course approach the vendor.

I am having a really hard time understanding why there isn't a simple solution readily available to accomplish what I could do with a pair of dpdt switches (were I always there to throw them). Seems to me that all off-grid systems should be set up like how I've described, so finding a simple way to automate the inputs and outputs of a pair of charge controllers should really not be this difficult.

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