
francois-legree avatar image
francois-legree asked

How to calculate 1 day consumption

Hello i've a solar installation with 2 x 300W solar panel, a bluesolar MPPT50/100 and a BMV600. What's your way to calculate a viable average day consuption ?

Do i need to disconnect my MPPT to see what is the total day consuption ?

BMV Battery Monitor
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1 Answer
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

@Francois Legree With your gear, not at all.

If you had a Smart Solar mppt, or added a bluetooth dongle to your Blue Solar mppt you could look at the daily yield in the detailed history via Victron Connect. If your battery gets regularly fully charged you could do an average over a week or so.


When your battery gets fully charged regularly, the averaged yield = consumption (including system/battery losses).

A properly set up mppt might be all the info you need.

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