
javiangulo avatar image
javiangulo asked

VRM advanced tab stopped working

The "advanced" tab of my VRM has stopped working today right after I added a custom widget with the PV voltage. The page is frozen and doesn't show any widget, you can see it here.

Apart from that, some hours ago I updated the CerboGX firmware to the "large" image, to try some Node-Red automation. I've tried restoring the "normal" image, as well as the beta versions of both, but this didn't solve the problem, and I'm not sure it is related to the issues.

I'd like to know if there is any way to reset the advanced widgets from any other place. I've checked the VRM Api but it doesn't seem to have any such endpoint. Any other alternatives you believe could fix it?

Thanks in advance!

vrm advanced
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6 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Some feedback. The cause is understood and will be addressed.

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @javiangulo

This should now be fixed, can you please try again and report back?

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javiangulo avatar image javiangulo commented ·

All working perfectly now, tried to add and remove widgets, showing up in all devices, thank you very much for the quick action!

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javiangulo avatar image
javiangulo answered ·

I managed to delete the widget by reverse-engineering the internal API that the VRM website uses to create widgets. However, trying to add any kind of widget, not only custom, makes the website to block and freeze, and the widget is not added. It certainly seems like a bug in the VRM, nobody else has the same problem?

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

Might be a funny related to your browser or operating system. Really one for @Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) .

Please update with browser/os details.

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uguraladag avatar image
uguraladag answered ·

moderated- off topic

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

Please don’t mix topics, it just confuses the situation. Your issue is completely different, use your own topic for answers. Any further tangents will be removed. Thanks.

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Broad issues like this tend to have been noticed so there is likely a local issue.

Please clarify browser, version, OS etc

Any plugins loaded?

Have you tried clearing all cache/cookies and logging in to a clean session?

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javiangulo avatar image
javiangulo answered ·

@nickdb I tried it in firefox 128.0 (linux), chrome 126.0.6478.126 (linux, two different computers and one without previously accessing VRM website ever), edge 126.0.2592 (windows). Disabled adblock plugins and cleared caches as well.

Something new I just discovered: the widgets I add are rendered and OK in the app, as well as in the computer if I change the device mode and set it to phone, also if I change the window size to make it narrow and force a responsive layout. It can be checked here in the shared dashboard, the PR Voltage / Current will appear/disappear when you reduce the window size.

This looks to me like a responsiveness issue in the UI and perhaps not the same issue I had yesterday, as with the faulty widget I had to find a way to remove, the dashboard wasn't loading anywhere, with or without responsive layout. However, seems to me related.. perhaps a recent update in this page has caused all this?

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javiangulo avatar image javiangulo commented ·

Just noticed too that adding new widgets makes the page freeze and interaction stops working with the browser suggesting killing the window. Tried in the phone and computer, something is weird with this page, could be related to the widgets I've got myself that is causing an internal issue in the VRM service, as otherwise this would be affecting way more people.

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

Connecting to your shared site it renders fine from my mac, I can't see anything obvious wrong with it. I can't get a realtime connection, it is a one minute to 3 minute ago view.

Is yours maintaining a realtime connection?

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javiangulo avatar image javiangulo nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

I have realtime connection and that seems ok for me.

As for the widgets, can you see that widget (Solar Charger TV Voltage and Current) ?


That's the one I can only see in the mobile version, not in the computer.

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ javiangulo commented ·

Only on the mobile view. I have raised it with the VRM team. Will have to see what they come back with.

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