
mfred68 avatar image
mfred68 asked

Grid suddenly charging battery

I haven't altered any settings, I'm on ESS, and we have had lots of sun today, in fact, solar is still producing and batteries are at 40% yet I'm suddenly drawing 4kw from the grid to charge the batteries. Why would it do this?

My minimum soc is set to 25% and I do not want to draw from the grid, especially of sunny days like today.

Any ideas why it's doing this and how I can stop this?1000039191.jpg

battery chargingESS
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1 Answer
mfred68 avatar image
mfred68 answered ·

I really could do with some help and advice, for some reason it's charging from the grid, as of today, while it's been charging only from solar for 3 weeks since commissioning it. I haven't altered any settings, yet it's decided to charge from the grid. And I can't seem to stop it. Help please !

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