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offgridtas asked

VRM not displaying AC loads from ET112

I have a mostly Victron setup but a Growatt inverter. I'm trying to get the Cerbo gx to display AC loads on the output of the inverter using ET112. When I initially plugged the ET112 in it seemed to be working just fine except that it was showing identical info in the AC loads and AC input section in the VRM. I went into the remote console and changed the role of the device from grid meter to AC load. This stopped the ET112 from working in the VRM but it works perfectly in the remote console.

Why can't VRM get the information from the remote console?

If I change the role back to grid meter the information comes back but is again incorrectly listed in both the grid input and ac load.

How do you change the role of the ET112 to AC Load and have that information show up in VRM as an AC load?

Is this a bug in the Cerbo GX software?

cerbo gxVRMvrm bug
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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @OffGridTas,

From the Energy Meter Manual FAQ:

Q10: Can I use Victron Energy Meters instead of a Victron Inverter/Charger to make use of a GX device (e.g. Cerbo GX), VRM and other features?

Energy Meters are intended to supplement a Victron Inverter/Charger in the system. Energy Meters are currently limited in their potential applications. Each Energy Meter is only intended to provide a specific piece of additional information - total loads on AC input and grid import/export, or AC PV inverter and AC generator production without network communications.

However, it is perfectly possible to initially use just a GX device together with an Energy Meter to determine and record the consumption, for example of houses/buildings, heating systems with heat pumps, ventilating and air conditioning or production facilities. Afterwards, the collected data can be evaluated and a decision can be made about the dimensioning of the required Victron inverter/charger(s), the solar system and the type, size and number of batteries.

With GX device firmware version 2.80 and later, they can also be used for other purposes e.g. to measure specific, arbitrary AC loads or circuits for example. But this should not be considered a replacement to having a Victron Inverter/Charger. Attempting to use other brand battery inverters and trying to substitute their lack of data connectivity to the GX device by using Energy Meters will not work as expected.

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