
ronin avatar image
ronin asked

Multipluss connect to shore power showing low bat alarm

I have 2 SOK 206 amp 12 volt in parallel, (6 months old) a Victron Multiplus 12i 3000 120i connected to shore power and turned on a 1250 watt vacuum gave low battery alarm warning then ok. It does the same when I return to dock and connect shore power back up.

Has also thrown up a High DC ripple alarm occasionally. Mainly after turning inverter off and back on



low battery warning
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

It can mean either you have undersized cables or a high resistance connection between the batteries (lug connections) and the inverter or the batteries can't supply the surge amps needed for power assist.

When you day the batteries are in parallel, do you mean they are daisy chained or you have them up to the bus bar as individuals?

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ronin avatar image ronin commented ·

Hi Alexandra

95 mm2 cable from battery into remote battery switch then into ANL fuse then into Inverter. Switch might be stuffed? Shouldn't shore power by pass batteries to power ac GPO's on Boat? Also could the wires coming from shore power to inverter be too small?



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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ ronin commented ·

Possibly the switch is the resistance point? Cant say stab in the dark over the internet can miss the mark.

The system power assists on connect to grid and larger loads so it will pull from the battery in the two scenarios you mentioned. Not continuously but for the short duration hence the term power assist.

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