
seazen avatar image
seazen asked

How to create a .KML trace file using Cerbo GX + dongle GPS + VRM portail


We have a Cerbo GX with a GPS dongle. The Cerbo GX is connected to VRM portail through a gateway. I underdand that each 1 min the GPS position is recorded. I tried to create a widget in order to generate a .KML trace file. I could find the right settings. Any idea?capture-decran-2024-07-15-a-165021.png

cerbo gxwidget vrmgps
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1 Answer
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

Go to the create a new widget and as long as your GPS is working then under Gateway you ought to see the option for a GPS widget. Once the widget is on the screen it has a button to download the kml file. You need to choose your timeframe in the header bar at the top of the page first.


gps.jpg (49.9 KiB)
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