
callred avatar image
callred asked

How to do a Pin reset when I can not access PUK because of cramped space?

I recently bought a used travel trailer that has solar battery problems. I do not have the PIN and the default ones do not work. The Smartsolar MPPT 75/15 is deeply recessed in a very cramped space. Is there a way to reset the PIN using a dongle or direct connect cord or retrieving the PUK using the SN or PN numbers which I do have?

MPPT SmartSolarBluetooth
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3 Answers
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

The route is to contact the original dealer with your SN and PN, prove you are now the physical holder of the device and they should be able to provide the PUK.

See the support page linked below, at the bottom is a box to enter SN to find out the dealer so you know who to contact. Other people here have used phones, mirrors and flexible borescope cameras on phones to read labels in awkward places.

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callred avatar image
callred answered ·

The link identifies the class of device I have and then takes me to a documents page. I do not see anything that would tell me who the original dealer is.

The trailer was made by NuCamp and then sold by Parris RV. I am assuming that NuCamp is the "original" dealer. Is that correct? or do you have a better link.

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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell commented ·

@callred did you use the first box asking for a serial number or did you use the box towards the bottom of the page as specifically stated in my answer where it says it will identify the dealer for you, I have put my serial numbers in that box and it tells me what the device is and when I click on that it tells me who the dealer is and it gives a link to the dealer or links to support request.


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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @callred,

Have you been able to resolve this with your dealer?

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