
christian-esnault avatar image
christian-esnault asked

Connection to Skylla-i 24/100 whith MK3 USB


I cannot connect to my Skylla-i 24/100 with my MK3/USB, on windows 10 or 11 with both versions of software available on Victron website.

I can connect perfectly to my Multiplus with the same device.

What can I do ?

Thanks in advance

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1 Answer
Thierry Cortassa (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Thierry Cortassa (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·


le mk3 est un "adaptateur" pour le vebus.

le skyllla-i n'a pas de vebus, c'est un vecan.

le skylla-I est configurable a l'aide du rotary switch et des dipswitch cf manuel chapitre 3 :

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Related Resources

Skylla-IP65 product page (12v, 24v)

Skylla-i product page (24v)

Skylla-TG Charger product page (24v, 48v)

Skylla-TG GMDSS product page (24v)

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic