
mfred68 avatar image
mfred68 asked

Is this normal in ess mode

Why is there always a bit of grid power used, (the red bit on top of the blue battery consumption) , it mounts up during the day. Is there a way to stop this in ess mode?


ess discharging
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2 Answers
sean avatar image
sean answered ·

Grid inport/export will never be zero, but you might be able to minimise import by adjusting the grid set point.

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mfred68 avatar image mfred68 commented ·

So basically this is normal? I jave already tried setting the setpoint from 0 to -50 but it still drifts into the positive and takes from the grid, quite frustrating.

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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

As sean said, it will never be zero, but put it slightly higher then -50w would help, you need to experiment whit it

Mine is on -100w and i never use grid unless necessary

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