
david-evans avatar image
david-evans asked

Fault finding report

My Quattro has blown up and Victron are not covering under warranty. The installer is denying blame so I'm taking legal action. Is there anyone in the UK who can provide a fault finding report that Victron would stand by?

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2 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

I can appreciate the frustrations, as the saying goes, there are always three sides to any story, and this is outside of the community scope and the wrong place for this discussion as per our guidelines.

If you need another opinion, regional installers, repair centers etc, they are all listed on the victron site.

Contact information for the regional managers are also available here if you have not already pursued that option.

Hope you find an amicable outcome.

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sean avatar image
sean answered ·

Adding some details here will help you garner plenty of possibly helpful opinions that might help guide your decision to progress this situation to legal action, also adding your location might assist, the UK is a large area.

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Fideri avatar image Fideri commented ·

As might the installation date, summary of communication with Victron and the email/link you used. If the installer is refusing to help you, your regional rep might.

My agent was not at all responding. After I involved the regional rep, he contacted me immediately. He first refused to repair my Quattro but changed tune after he realized that I was aware of my rights and I threatened to take up the matter with Victron HQ. But then, I'm not in the UK.


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Related Resources

Faults with Victron equipment are best discussed directly with your dealer - this can be formalised with this support request form.

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic