
tofino avatar image
tofino asked

Smart solar stopped charging


I have a smart solar mppt 100-15 on the boat which worked fine until 2 days ago. The boat in in Denmark and I am in the Netherlands so I cannot go there now and check but I added some screenshots from Victron VRM. Does this give any indication why it stopped loading?

Couple of days ago it worked, I also added that 1. I see the differences in the data, battery for example is very low now, but what does it mean? Why is itnso low in this screen but not when I check the battery in the smart solar data (screen aatachted) and in the BMV data where it is both 12,69? Yesterday it does say 15hr bulk time, but the batteries were not charged.


Ps there is a webcam in the harbour and yes, there is enough light so it should be charging :)





smart solar set-up helpsmart solar charging behaviour
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


There seems to be a disconnect between the mppt and battery. Maybe a fuse has blown or a connection is loose

Also consider getting a higher voc panel or adding a panel you are barely above the 5v above battery voltage to start charging. Too minimal for reliability.

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tofino avatar image tofino commented ·

Thanks Alexandra. The thing is, when I check the data now battery 12,56v and PV 19,61, sometimes 20v.


5 days ago the Battery Vmin was 12,67 and it always worked perfectly. So indeed since this changed the problem seems to have started. I will check connections and fuse when I am at the boat.

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sean avatar image
sean answered ·

The previous days yields show that charging has been minimal, as above, you'll likely find that increasing the string voltage will dramatically increase the daily yield.

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