
john-grady avatar image
john-grady asked

Lynx Distributor - Trouble Shooting - 7 volts on middle terminals

My 12 volt system has stopped working and batteries are dead at 10.5 volts. Trying to trouble shoot a protentional short in system. I have removed all the fuses linking and voltage from hot but bar to middle terminals is 7 volts (where I would expect 0 volts). Voltage from hot bus bar to negative bus bar 10.5. Why am I reading any voltage on the middle buss bar? See imagescreenshot-2024-07-12-062240.png

lynx distributor
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1 Answer
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

The lynx Distributor has circuits that monitors if the fuses have blown. I do not know the details of the circuit but I would expect that it involves having monitoring connections on the outlet of the fuses. Therefore, if you have no route to negative on the system then you may get some current leakage which raises the voltage on those terminals.

Another short term source of voltage can occur with inverters as it takes time for the input capacitors to discharge. There is also the chance of some voltage from chargers, MPPTs, DC to DC converters if they have been soft shut down rather than physically isolated / disconnected.

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