
jakenort95 avatar image
jakenort95 asked

Cerbo gx tank sensor

Hi guys just wondering if my current tank sensor can be used with the cerbo gx or will I need to change the sensor 1000002543.jpg1000002544.jpgImage Caption

tank monitor
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2 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

The GX only supports resistive sensors, the GX tank accessory provides some additional options for current/voltage based sensors.

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pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

No way to tell from the pictures. The Cerbo tank inputs are resistance based.

The tank level ports can each be configured to work with either European (0 - 180 Ohm); or US tank senders (240 - 30 Ohm) standards; or to configure a custom Ohm resistance range between 0 Ohm and 300 Ohm (requires firmware v2.80 or higher).

All details can be found in the manual.

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