client who has 12X, 600w 12v Wind turbines ( they never make more than 300watt (maths of wind blade size
the wind controller makes 12/24v DC (times 12)
Wants to put this into grid/house (AC couple)
was thinking system:
/Generator -> wind controller -> dc-to-dc converter (to bus bar)48V >battery bank.
1/Orion-Tr24/48-8,5(400 W) does not have a fuse.. would one put it on the positive in side of the bus bar.? size
The busbar in a storm may get to 100A
2/ There are no back current worries? in theOrion
3/ the busbars could be split ? 6 turbines each
4/ what charge controller or battery safety would you put between busbar and battery bank?
any thoughts
times 12