
cyanogenic avatar image
cyanogenic asked

Blue Smart Charger not charging battery, how to change fuse?

Hi, I have a blue smart IP22 charger 12v/30a.

The charger isn't showing any signs of voltage, and it does not charge my battery. When plugged into the mains power, the charger starts up, and I can connect to it via Bluetooth. Just no dc power output.

I've tried a few different cables, no dice.

I tried to take out the fuse by just pulling it, no dice.

I tried to unscrew the screws next to the fuse blade that I thought was holding the fuse in, the screws just spin in its place and not actually coming out. No dice.

What do I do to actually replace the fuse, or know anything else to try?

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3 Answers
gremlin01 avatar image
gremlin01 answered ·

I used a thin nose pliers to lever it out. Quite simple - just grab the whole length of the fuse with the pliers then pivot via the nose of the pliers on the edge of the housing. In my case the 20A fuse had blown during accidental reverse polarity connection.

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Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @Cyanogenic

Was this resolved already?

if the fuse is replaceable, it can still be in there quite strong, and need careful prying to get out.

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tdcgoofy avatar image
tdcgoofy answered ·

I have the same problem with a Blue Smart IP22 Charger (24V). It says that it is charging but no current is flowing.

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