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seitus asked

Mixing LifePO4 and lithium ion baterry

I have an 18 kWc installation that includes a Victron Multiplus 2, a Victron RS, and an SMA inverter coupled with 45 kWh of LiFePO4 batteries. This system has been working perfectly for 18 months. I recently received 4 Model S battery modules (6s86p) for a total of 25 kWh. Due to the differences in voltage and charge intensity between the LiFePO4 and Lithium-ion batteries, I cannot mix them directly. I am wondering if it is possible to set up a new installation with the new batteries in series with the existing LiFePO4-based system. In other words, connecting the new installation to the ACin input of the Multiplus. Does this seem feasible to you, or do you perhaps have a better solution to propose?

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