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sgrigor1 asked

SmartSolar MPPT 150/35 not power the load after floating


I have 1x MPPT 250/100, 1xMPPT 250/70 and 1x MPPT 150/35 connected to parallel MultiPlusII. All MPPTs are external controlled by battery BMS.

They are working Ok during the battery charging, but after the battery SOC reaches 100%, they are going in float with 0W power for load, only the MPPT 250/100 generate 2KW to sustain the load.

If the load is increased, then the 2nd MPPT 250/70 will start to generate power to the max and if the load is increased more than both can sustain, I'm expecting that the 3rd MPPT 150/30 to start generating. But it no happen, it will remain with 0W and the inverter will take from battery probably till the Battery voltage will be under bulk voltage. I set the offset to 0.01V but still not started immediately.

The same issue occurs if I started to charge EV, the charger will take from the battery the difference and the MPPT 150/35 is 0W. If I enable the feed-in w/ 0W then it will start to generate power.

The similar issue I facing if I enable Dynamic mode, if there is enough solar power from other two MPPTs to sustain the load, the MPPT 150/35 will have 0W and if there will be shadow that the inverter will start to compensate from grid instead to enable this MPPT to generate power.

I attached the settings for MMPT 150/35

Why MPPT 150/35 behave differently when it is going to float? Why is it not going to generate power like the other 2 mppts and generate power when I enable feed-in?


MPPT SmartSolar
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